The truth is nobody knows what the perfect diet is.


Not Dr Keto

Not Dr Carnivore

Not Little Miss Vegan

Not Professor Fruitos


Not even The Fasting Coach knows..


Nobody knows what the perfect diet is for us


You have all these “experts” all claiming that we should be eating like this, or shouldn’t be eating like that.

Scientific claims for this scientific claims for that.


Meat is bad

Broccoli is bullshit

Become a fruitful frutarian

Eat 6 small meals a day.

Alkaline only

Nuts & seeds are poisonous


These people will likely have very valid reasons, “scientific evidence” claiming that this is “the way” we should be eating.


Just like me with fasting..


If we think logically though and take this back a few year before the big food industry came into play.

1970’s everyone would have been fasting for at least 16 hours per day.


Back in those days.. there was no snacking & you would have been very lucky if you got more than 2 meals a day. That’s a fact!


Going back a little further in time, to hunter gatherer days and you would have probably going for 2-3 days at a time without eating.


So one thing we can agree on is we all would have been doing some sort of Fasting back in the day.


Ok, now let’s talk about food.


First question is – why the fuck are there so many different tasty fruits & vegetables, different meats & fish, herbs & spices if we aren’t to enjoy any of these?


Why is there such a broad range of different vitamins, minerals, essential aminos, fatty acids etc across these different food groups? That are all beneficial in some way for the body. If we aren’t to eat them?


Now here’s another thing..


Now before agriculture came about. Most food would have been seasonal. (If it wasn’t preserved somehow.)

Meaning it would have only been available for a few weeks / months of the year.


The perfect diet.. in my opinion we should be eating / fasting with the seasons.


Think of it like this – we would have an abundance of fruits in the summer, an abundance of nuts & seeds in the autum, then there wouldn’t be much meat available during winter. As there was less daylight, less time to hunt. Also, alot of animals would have also been hyberanting during the winter. As such, we would have likely lived on the fat stored in winter & autumn. Then we go into spring, where there would be spring lamb, deer etc. And so we would have an abundance of meat and animal products.


So what if, we are actually supposed to actually eat all these different food groups. But maybe not all year round?


Food for thought..


Did you know your body can store some vitamin for up to years at a time? It takes what it needs and stores it for a later day.


So what if our body took what we need from these different foods at different times of the year and stored it for when it needs to use it?


I believe all these different food groups all serve their purpose.


Fruits for vitamins, minerals & dietary fibre. 

Did you know you can also use certain fruits to help balance your adrenals. And use fruits to support the lymphatic system?

Meats & fish providing us with, essential aminos, fatty acids & vitamins


Is this making sense?


Now let’s look at nature.

There is the clearly a circle of life going on.


That again is fact.


We see it everywhere, everything that lives eats something else.

Be it animals, fish, plants, bugs, microbes, bacteria.. we all have to eat something.


It’s a continuous infinite circle of life.


Thinking logically & taking all of this into account.


I live by The Fasting 101 Way.


What is this?

It’s a long term sustainable maintainable flexible eating lifestyle.

⏰ I implement some form of fasting into my lifestyle. By fitting fasting to fit my lifestyle.

🥘 Cooking from scratch

🥗 Eat a balanced diet of whole foods, eating all of the foods – meat, fish, fruits, veg, nuts, seeds, herbs & spices.

✋ Avoid highly processed foods

🛑 Avoid foods laced with chemicals you cannot even pronounce


Maybe one day I’ll eat more in season..

But for now, what I am doing is working for me. Eating a balanced diet while, implementing fasting.


Fasting 101.

It’s not a diet.

It’s a lifestyle!