2 questions that get asked a lot.

Can you build muscle when following a fasting lifestyle?  

Could fasting & prolonged fasting be beneficial for athletes?

I will answer both in the same post. As I believe the 2 are connected. 

If done correctly, then I would say yes.

In fact, I am living proof that building muscle can be done.

I also believe from my own athletic abilities and from speaking to other people who practice fasting and workout a lot, that it can be beneficial for athletes.

Here are a few reasons as to why..

Energy through the mitochondria & ATP production.                                                                                                 

Not only can fasting improve the mitochondria function of the cell, but when the mitochondria are producing ATP with the use of fats, the amount of energy per molecule compared to glucose is staggering.

It is thought to be up to 4x as much.

Mitochondria are the energy producing structures within side the cell, using nutrients such as fat and carbohydrates to create adenosine triphosphate.

Now when the body is in a fasted state, after glycogen has depleted. The body is now using your body fat as a fuel source, as a result the rate of ATP production will have increased.

This is probably why people who fast report to have tons of energy throughout the fast, as most of us have a decent supply of body fat to tap into.

One thing I have done a number of times is have some coconut oil, butter or MCT oil prior to training – when I am in a fasted state. As I feel this gives me even more energy in my workouts.  

People will argue this breaks a fast, but from a metabolic point of view, this will barely spike insulin.

Having the fats will also keep the ketogenic, autophagic effects of the fast.

2 of the main benefits people fast for.

Manipulation of anabolic hormones –

Human growth hormone

Fasting for 24+ hours can increase the production of human growth hormone.

Now this all depends on the person as to how much it will increase but, in some cases, it has been known to increase anywhere from 15-50x the baseline amount after 72 hours.

HGH, also known as our youth hormone. Is important for muscle growth and recovery. It is known to promote the growth of new muscle tissue and also helps to repair damaged muscle tissue.


In addition to HGH increase, fasting can also increase the levels of testosterone in the body.

Testosterone is another anabolic hormone that promotes muscle growth, testosterone also improves bone density, and can even increases red blood cell production.

Based on this information alone.  

I think we can all agree that an increase in these hormones would not only be beneficial from an athletic point of view. But from an over all health perspective.


(Known to be the most anabolic hormone the body produces)

When we go through periods of fasting regularly this can help improve insulin sensitivity. In simple terms this translates to – allowing the body to use insulin more productively.

So, when we do break our fast, insulin spikes and is then used to transport the glucose, amino acid, and fatty acids to the cells.

Which will help repair and rebuild our muscles.

Based on all of this I come up with a method I live by most days.

HGH (increase through fasting >20 hours) + TEST increase (through fasting and resistance training) + more ATP production (through using fats through ketosis) + insulin increase (when I break my fast) = A recipe for a fat-burning muscle-building machine.

There is a lot more we can go into around these 2 questions. I am also on refining this method, so that I can time food, fasting & training. To gain the maximum benefits.

Please always do your own research and seek the advice of a professional when it comes to making lifestyle changes like this.

What works for some may not work for all.

If you have any questions, comments or think there is something I have missed.

Please email @ [email protected]  

Fasting 101.

It’s not a diet.

It’s a lifestyle.