
Multiple 20+ hour fasts, plus prolonged fasting = manipulation of anabolic, fat-burning, muscle-building hormones + calorie surplus meal + compound training =
A recipe for a fat-burning, muscle-building machine

Let me break it down.

Over the years, I’ve developed a unique approach to fasting, training, and nutrition that I believe optimizes fat burning and muscle growth.

Here’s my formula in depth and the science that supports it:

My Fasting Schedule:
Throughout the week, I cycle in four 20-22 hour fasts. As the week progresses, I culminate with a more extended 42-48 hour fast leading into Saturday.
I then have a 6-8 hour window on Saturday post training to get a high intake of food in.
On Sundays, I prioritize listening to my body, eating as I feel to ensure I get in even more calories.

It’s not just about the duration of the fasts but also about getting the right amount of hours in, consuming enough calories, and most importantly, timing it right. Listening to my body’s cues is essential in this approach.


The Power of Insulin Sensitivity After Fasting:
Insulin is more than just a hormone that regulates our blood sugar. When we fast, our body’s cells become more receptive to insulin, a state known as heightened insulin sensitivity. This means that when we do eat, our cells can absorb glucose more efficiently, alongside drawing in other nutrients such as amino acids setting the stage for optimal muscle growth.

Anabolic Effects of Insulin:

Beyond its role in glucose regulation, insulin is the most anabolic hormone in the body. Hence why bodybuilders supplement with it.

Insulin promotes the building of organic molecules in our body. After a fasting period, our heightened insulin sensitivity ensures that our muscle cells can efficiently absorb glucose, aiding in glycogen synthesis. Moreover, insulin stimulates protein synthesis, which is the foundation of muscle growth, and inhibits protein degradation.

Testosterone increase after a Long Fast:

Testosterone isn’t just about masculinity or libido; it’s a powerhouse hormone for muscle growth, fat loss, and overall health.
Short bouts of fasting can give our testosterone levels a natural boost, setting the stage for enhanced muscle growth.

The Magic of Growth Hormone During Fasting:

Growth Hormone (GH) is a marvel in the realm of fitness. Essential for growth, cell regeneration, and reproduction, GH plays a pivotal role in increasing muscle mass and fat metabolism.

The beauty of fasting?
It can significantly elevate our GH secretion. For instance, a 2-day fast can lead to a massive 5-fold increase in GH production.

Compound Training:

Engaging in compound exercises, such as squats, deadlifts, and pull-ups, naturally stimulates the production of testosterone and GH.
These exercises are foundational to muscle building and are essential to my formula. They not only enhance muscle strength and endurance but also optimize the hormonal environment for muscle growth.

ATP and Mitochondrial Genesis:

ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is the primary energy currency of our cells. Training, especially when combined with fasting, can enhance ATP production, ensuring our muscles have the energy they need during workouts.
Moreover, fasting and training can stimulate mitochondrial genesis, the creation of new mitochondria in our cells.
These mitochondria are essential for energy production and overall cellular health, further supporting muscle growth and endurance.

Calorie Surplus and Hunger Post-Fasted Training:

After a fasted training session, our body is in a prime state to absorb nutrients. This is the perfect time to introduce a calorie surplus, ensuring we provide our body with the fuel it needs for muscle repair and growth.
Additionally, it’s natural to feel hungrier after a fasted workout. This is our body’s way of ensuring we replenish the energy we’ve expended and get the nutrients we need for recovery.

In Conclusion:
My formula based on a specific fasting schedule, heightened insulin sensitivity, a surge in testosterone levels, the magic of Growth Hormone, strategic compound training, and the power of ATP and mitochondrial genesis.

Post-training, consuming food triggers an insulin spike, which, combined with our heightened insulin sensitivity and testosterone levels, sets the stage for muscle growth and repair.

The calorie surplus, especially when combined with the natural increase in hunger after a fasted workout, ensures we’re fueling our body optimally.

The result?
We burn fat efficiently during the fast and lay the groundwork for optimal muscle growth and repair post-fast.

I’ve put this into practice and have the experience and results to show.

(Go take a look at my grams The_Fasting_ coach & Calisthenicsgenetics )

I’m on writing a solid program based on this formula and I’ll be using it myself starting Jan 2024 to show once again how you can build muscle & burn fat following a fasting lifestyle.