"Fasting for me isn't just a 16, 8 or 1 meal a day, it's literally totally overhauled my lifestyle."

 “Fasting for me isn’t just a 16, 8 or 1 meal a day, it’s literally totally overhauled my lifestyle.”

Allan’s Transformational Fasting Journey with Fasting 101

At Fasting 101, we pride ourselves on our tailored approach to nutrition & fasting, ensuring that each individual’s journey is customised to their lifestyle and requirements. Today, we’re thrilled to share Allan Office’s inspiring story.

Meet Allan, on the brink of turning 40, had a zest for trying new things, even if they were a bit extreme. When he decided to embark on a five-day fast, our coach Jason intervened, suggesting a more moderate approach. Allan’s initial scepticism about a 12 or 16-hour fast was soon replaced by astonishment. With Jason’s guidance on caloric intake and macros, Allan saw a remarkable weight loss of a stone and a half in just two and a half weeks.

But Allan’s transformation wasn’t just physical. The daily check-ins, weekly measurements, and the accountability structure we provided played a pivotal role in his journey. From a metabolic age that once read 43, Allan now proudly shares that it mirrors his actual age, 39, and continues to drop.

Beyond the numbers, Allan’s newfound energy and zest for life are palpable. He’s not only transformed his eating habits but has also introduced healthier food choices to his daughter’s diet. From frequenting fast-food chains, Allan now finds joy in cooking wholesome meals and making healthier on-the-go choices.

Allan’s story is a testament to the holistic change that fasting, when done right, can bring about. It’s not just about the hours you fast or the meals you skip; it’s about a complete lifestyle overhaul. As Allan puts it, “Fasting for me isn’t just a 16, 8 or 1 meal a day, it’s literally totally overhauled my lifestyle.”

If you’re considering fasting, take a leaf out of Allan’s book and give it a try. With the right guidance and approach, the benefits can be life-changing.

You can check out his pictures below. Day 1, 4 weeks in and 6 month into the fasting lifestyle. 


101 days later! 15 years younger, 2 stone lighter!

Meet Paul and Gill, who worked with Jason & completed Fasting 101’s, 101 day Exclusive Fasting program. 

Not only did they both reduce their metabolic age by 12 and 15 years. 

They knocked off around 2 stone each!

Both gained a wealth of knowledge not only in Fasting but also in the kitchen. Going from 4-5 take-away’s per week. To cooking healthy nutritious meals 6-7 times per week. 

We couldn’t be any more prouder of them! 

"Psoriasis has virtually disappeared and I am sleeping much better!" James Dixon

James joined the first ever 101 day Fasting 101 program back in 2022.

James was looking to gain some of the health benefits fasting has to offer. And he experienced just that! As a sufferer of psoriasis since the age of 17, this had virtually cleared up. Not only that James’s sleep improved drastically. 

James took to the fasting so well, and quickly progressed to 20 hour fasts after only a month or so. 

2 years on and James still practices today. He has fit the fasting to his lifestyle effortlessly.