Why fasting isn’t an excuse to eat what you want when you do break your fast.

And why I think you shouldn’t be promoting this style of fasting.

For starts, eating what you want when you break your fast is going to slow down your results.

Not just in terms of losing fat, but actually healing your body on a cellular level.

When we fast our body go into a process called autophagy.


To put it simply, our bodies basically go into repair mode. Recycling old, damaged cells into new cells. At the same time, clearing out toxins and cell debris.


Now if you are continuously refeeding your body up on crap food, loaded with sugars, preservatives and unhealthy fats that are hard for our bodies to process.  You’re basically giving it even more work to do. Limiting the time that the body has available to do the healing it needs to do.

Ok, why should we be eating healthy foods when fasting?

Our bodies are very intelligent beings, just like storing body fat, our body can also store certain nutrients, vitamins & minerals.

Loading up on healthy nutrient dense foods when you do eat, is not only going to supply your body with what it needs to be able to function, but it will actually store some of these for when you are going through the fast. Making it easier to fast.

I have seen this myself with clients. Clients who already follow a healthy diet find it a lot easier to get into the fasting lifestyle. Clients who follow an unhealthy diet find it harder to get into the fasting, as their body is already lacking some of these nutrients.

Also, if you are consistently going for long periods of time without food and nutrients, this could lead to various health complications. Fasting and following a bad diet could actually accelerate some of these health complications.  

So please don’t think fasting is an excuse to eat what you want as long as you stay under a certain number of calories. You should be refeeding your body with the right foods.


Why do I think you shouldn’t be promoting this style of fasting?

Well, based on all of the above, why would  you want to?

Do you want to be responsible for the potential health complications they might experience in the future?

Showing people who don’t know much about fasting that this is the way to fast is giving them the wrong perception of fasting, it gives them that same excuse of its all about the calories. And so, they will eat what they want. As a result, slowing down their progress and potentially jeopardising their health.

With this being said, when getting into a fasting lifestyle. You might find yourself still eating unhealthy foods here and there. It is important to also understand this is a process and that some people will take longer to transition into the fasting as well as eating healthily.

I ask you as a fellow human being who is wanting to help people. Not to promote this style of fasting, for the sake of your own health and for others.

As always, if you have any questions, comments, or think there is something I have missed.

Please email me @ [email protected].

Fasting 101.

It’s not a diet.

It’s a lifestyle.